AAKP’s Center for Patient Engagement & Advocacy
AAKP’s Center for Patient Engagement and Advocacy is dedicated to engaging, training, certifying, and deploying kidney patients in ways that are the most effective at elevating the patient voice. This includes critical times when national legislation, health program implementation, regulations or potential delays in the pharmaceutical approval process pose a concern to patient access to quality care or their future healthcare outcomes.
AAKP provides online advocacy tools, social media training, certification for patient advocates, and links to federal agency patient engagement opportunities.
American Association of Kidney Patients Field Ambassadors
AAKP’s Ambassador Program is part of our Center for Patient Engagement & Advocacy that works to ensure that the voices of kidney patients and their families are heard. AAKP Ambassadors are our most engaged volunteers. They are seasoned experts on kidney disease, dialysis, transplant, and living kidney donation, and their involvement is crucial to our mission.
Ambassadors utilize their personal experiences and professional skills to contribute to both the AAKP mission and the larger kidney community based on their desire to serve a cause larger than themselves. AAKP helps provide Federal officials with the patient input they seek, through our Ambassadors’ engagement. Ambassadors maintain relationships and communications with their elected leaders to be sure kidney disease is on their radar. Ambassadors participate in focus groups, roundtables, Technical Evaluation Panels (TEPs), surveys, clinical trials, public testimony before Federal agencies, and more.
Ambassadors are part of a movement to create a more informed community locally as well as in our nation’s capital. Ambassadors are recognized as leaders in the kidney community. Their perspectives are sought after to improve diagnosis, treatment, and care for those impacted by kidney disease.
Click below to read about AAKP’s Field Ambassadors!
Do you want to make a difference and be more actively involved in the kidney community?
Join the largest kidney patient organization as an Ambassador! Contact Erin at ekahle@aakp.org to learn more.