Veterans Health Initiative

The AAKP Veterans Health Initiative (VHI), based within the AAKP Center for Patient Engagement and Advocacy, is designed to advance research, innovation, and policies aimed at safeguarding the highest standards in kidney care and treatment for veterans managing kidney disease both inside and outside the VA medical system. AAKP utilizes sophisticated social media and grassroots technologies to engage patients, medical professionals, and the public and to voice their concerns among policymakers.

Veterans and their families face many unique challenges related to managing their healthcare, and this is especially true for veterans who suffer from kidney and other complex chronic diseases. AAKP is committed to making its fellow veterans have their voice heard, retain access to the care they have earned and are legally entitled to at the VA and elsewhere, and benefit from new research and innovations in biologics, diagnostics, and devices.

Edward V. Hickey, III, USMC (ret) AAKP President & Chair, Veterans Health Initiative

Are you a veteran, active military, or family member of a service member? Sign up and become a member of AAKP to receive information on AAKP’s Veterans Health Initiative and opportunities to support this community!

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Through AAKP’s Center for Patient Research and Education, AAKP’s Veterans Health Initiative remains involved in a number of VA research projects.

Project Title

Lead Institution(s)

Principal Investigator

Project Term


Beta Blocker Dialyzability on Cardiovascular Outcomes (BRAVO)

Minneapolis VA Medical Center

Manhattan Campus, VA NY Harbor Healthcare System

Areef Ishani, MD

James S. Kaufman, MD

January 2024 - December 2027

Medicaid expansion and quality, utilization and coordination of health care for Veterans with chronic kidney disease

VA Central Office

David Atkins, MD

Laura A. Peterson

April 2021 - September 2025

Diuretic Comparison Project (DCP)

Minneapolis VA Medical Center

Memphis VA Medical Center

Areef Ishani, MD

William Cushman, MD

June 2016 -
October 2022


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