AAKP Ambassador Lisa Pappas Shares Her Lifelong Journey with Diabetes and Kidney Disease

Diana Clynes
Doctors diagnosed Lisa Pappas with type 1 diabetes at the young age of four. Her mother noticed sudden changes in her behavior like constant hunger and thirst, along with emotional outbursts. After a visit to the pediatrician, Lisa was rushed to the emergency room after tests revealed her blood sugar levels were extremely high.
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AAKP Innovator Series: TwoPlus Study, Dr. Mariana Murea, MD

Diana Clynes
Q&A with Mariana Murea, MD, TwoPlus Study Principal InvestigatorTell us about your first experience with a kidney patient, personally or professionally, and what impressions that left on you as a fellow human being? One of my most impactful experiences was with a patient receiving hemodialysis treatment in the hospital.
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Embracing Kidney Disease—AAKP Ambassador Jack Lennon shares his journey and offers tips for fellow patients and families

Deb Pelaez
Born With ItYou could say Jack Lennon was born with it. “It” being kidney disease that developed at birth due to being born with Post-Urethral Valves (PUV). But he was also born with “it”, as in a loving family who would be on board throughout the good times and bad as he navigated kidney disease throughout his life.
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Plant-Based Nutrition & Kidney Care: Promoting Prevention Through Nutrition Intervention

Diana Clynes
By Annamarie Rodriguez, RDN, LD, FANDThere is a lot of buzz around ‘plant-based’ nutrition, and the term ‘plant-based’ has evolved over the past few years; however, one thing for certain is that there is no strict definition. Plant-based nutrition can embrace the DASH (dietary approach to stop hypertension)
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