RE: FDA Proposal to Permit Salt Substitutes to Reduce Sodium in Standardized Foods

August 8, 2023 Diana Clynes U.S. Food and Drug AdministrationDockets Management Staff (HFA-305)5630 Fishers Lane, rm. 1061Rockville, MD 20852 This letter represents a collaborative effort of the American Association of … Continue reading “RE: FDA Proposal to Permit Salt Substitutes to Reduce Sodium in Standardized Foods”

Statement of Policy Principles and Solutions:  Living Organ Donation

April 26, 2023 Jennifer Duplessie April 2023 Statement of Policy Principles and Solutions: Living Organ Donation As the leading, independent, national organizations representing patients, organ donors and donor families, transplant … Continue reading “Statement of Policy Principles and Solutions:  Living Organ Donation”


December 5, 2022 D. Babwah TREASURER Suzanne Ruff is a living kidney donor, and her professional finance experience includes service as a tax consultant at GE Fleet Services, real estate … Continue reading “SUZANNE RUFF”

Kidney Patients Remind Congress and Payers: Your Decisions Impact Our Lives and Innovation

September 28, 2022 Jennifer Duplessie FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 28, 2022 MEDIA CONTACT: Jennifer Rate Marketing & Communications Manager (813) 400-2394 Kidney Patients Remind Congress and Payers: Your Decisions … Continue reading “Kidney Patients Remind Congress and Payers: Your Decisions Impact Our Lives and Innovation”