AAKP on Capitol Hill
AAKP is run by patients for patients. Per AAKP’s National Strategy, we engage in a purposeful effort to insert an independent patient advocate voice - including CKD/non-dialysis, dialysis and kidney transplant patients along with living donors and caregivers – across the kidney ecosystem; including the White House and all Executive Branch agencies and Congress.
In collaboration and in support of our close allies, AAKP members conduct over 450 Congressional office visits each year. Additionally, AAKP leadership executives execute more than 300 visits independently to both Legislative and Executive branches. Through these advocacy efforts, AAKP aims to empower patients to be impactful in policy regulatory and legislative processes.
Social Media and Advocacy
Advocacy is more than just writing letters and meeting with your local and State representatives. It is important to spread the word on social media about your advocacy efforts and your story.
Please tweet to us @Kidneypatients and use the hashtags #KidneysontheHill, #AAKPforPatients, #AAKP, #MyKidneysMyVoiceOurCongress, #KidneyDisease, #ESRD, or #CKD.