AAKP 5th Annual Fun Walk
December 5 - 8, 2023 - Virtual


Thank you for registering for AAKP’s 5th Annual Fun Walk, “Taking Steps Toward a Healthier Mind & Body”!

This year's event is held virtually to allow for participants to make the most out of the experience and participate in activities at their own pace and schedule.
Whether you are based in the U.S. or across the globe, AAKP has made it easy for you to join in on the fun! Show your support all week long by participating in one or all of the following activities:
  • “Count your steps” challenge.
  • Participate in virtual “Mind and Body” OnDemand sessions (below).
  • Join in on the social media activities.
  • Raise funds to support AAKP’s programs and services!
Share your successes with AAKP! Send us pictures throughout December 5-8 of you walking, joining our virtual sessions, or participating in a fun theme day! Photos can be emailed to [email protected]. Please be sure to include your name and a brief description of your activity. Posting on your own social media pages? Tag us at Facebook @kidneypatient and Twitter/Instagram @kidneypatients and use the hashtag #AAKPFUNWALK23.

Fun Walk Virtual Activities

Join us for any – or all – of the following activities!

MONDAY: Mindful Monday | Check out AAKP’s OnDemand Virtual Mind and Body videos and articles (below) to expand your mind and support your mental health! Share your favorite mind and body tip or quote on social media and use the hashtag #AAKPFunWalk23!

TUESDAY: Tasty Tuesday | Feed your body and support your physical health by trying some new AAKP Delicious! kidney-friendly recipes! Tell us your favorite recipe or share a selfie of you cooking using the hashtag #AAKPFunWalk23

WEDNESDAY: Workout Wednesday | Check out AAKP’s OnDemand Virtual Mind and Body videos (below) that will help you get up and get moving! Wear your AAKP Fun Walk t-shirt, post a selfie, and tag us using #AAKPFunWalk23!

THURSDAY: Throwback Thursday | Have fun while getting in your steps! Grab those leg warmers and dress in your favorite (or funniest!) workout gear for your walk or activities and post it to social media to make people smile and inspire others to join along. Be sure to tag us at #AAKPFunWalk23!

FRIDAY: Friendship Friday | Invite a friend to take a walk with you! Don't forget to snap a photo together and post it to social media using #AAKPFunWalk23!

AAKP's Virtual Mind and Body Videos

10-Minute Warmup (Join OnDemand)

Self-Care Tips for People with CKD (Join OnDemand)

Sit and Be Fit Exercise (Join OnDemand)

Quads and Glutes Workout Challenge (Join OnDemand)

Cool Down (Join OnDemand)

Additional AAKP Mind and Body Resources


How to Reduce the Risk of Falling
(Article) - Click Here

Depression: The Struggle is Real (Blog Article) - Click Here

Ask the Doc: Exercise in Chronic Kidney Disease and the Elderly (Article) - Click Here

Spring into Action (Article) - Click Here

Regular Exercise Gives One Patient More Time to Spend with His Family (Article) - Click Here


Coping, Living, and Thriving with Kidney Disease (PDF) - Click Here

Understanding Depression in Kidney Disease (PDF) - Click Here

When Your Loved One is Depressed (PDF) - Click Here


Building Resilience: Strategies for Managing Mental Health and Kidney Disease
(HealthLine webinar) - Click Here

Disease Management: Staying Upright – Preventing Falls and Injuries in CKD (National Patient Meeting session) - Click Here

The Importance of Exercise at All Stages of Kidney Disease (Webinar) - Click Here

Coping with a Chronic Illness: Sharing the Diagnosis and Finding Support (Video) - Click Here

Disease Management: Caregiver Corner: Taking care of Yourself While Caring for your Loved One (National Patient Meeting session) - Click Here

Thank you to our 2023 Fun Walk sponsors!


Disclaimer: Your participation in virtual mind and body sessions is at your own risk. Your decision to participate as a volunteer is made of your own free will. You assume full responsibility for any risk of body injury that may arise out of or related to the activity.