Plant-Based Nutrition & Kidney Care: Promoting Prevention Through Nutrition Intervention

Diana Clynes
By Annamarie Rodriguez, RDN, LD, FANDThere is a lot of buzz around ‘plant-based’ nutrition, and the term ‘plant-based’ has evolved over the past few years; however, one thing for certain is that there is no strict definition. Plant-based nutrition can embrace the DASH (dietary approach to stop hypertension)
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A Blessing to Others, AAKP Ambassador Precious McCowan Shares Her Story with Kidney Disease

Diana Clynes
By Deborah Pelaez, aakpRENALIFE Independent WriterImagine this. There exists a girl who possesses an appearance that deceives the eye, for she stands at a mere five feet one inch tall. Yet, do not be misled by her stature, for within her lies a smile of such magnitude that it illuminates an entire room!
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Donate Life Month: Rick Daynes, Altruistic Living Kidney Donor, Super Dad, and More!

Diana Clynes
By Deborah Pelaez, aakpRENALIFE Independent WriterFrom the time he was young, Rick Daynes knew that his O negative blood type could help people. His mother and father also had O negative blood, and his mother always said, “Give blood whenever you can. God blessed you with a gift that you can give to anyone.
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National Kidney Month: “I Am More Than My Kidney Disease…” AAKP Ambassadors Respond

Diana Clynes
March is National Kidney Month. Help spread the word about kidney disease this month by sharing your personal story along with educational resources with your friends, family, and community. Kidney disease is a silent killer—let’s end the silence.In this article, AAKP Ambassadors share why they are more than their kidney disease.
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