A message from the AAKP MAB Chairman
To Florida Dialysis Patients
A hurricane is coming in a few days, watch the news and optimally try to get out of its path – evacuate if appropriate.
Make sure you have enough medications.
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Our Blog
AAKP strives for change by promoting and celebrating the importance of kidney health for patients across the country. This blog will allow you to connect with experts, researchers, staff and volunteers surrounding our ongoing advocacy for healthy kidneys.
AAKP at NAACP’s 108th Annual Convention (posted July 28, 2017)
As a part of our ongoing national strategy of outreach to patients at-risk, AAKP was invited to host a pop-up health session and full exhibit at the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) 108th Annual Convention in Baltimore, MD on July 25 and 26, 2017. At the pop-up session, AAKP’s President Paul T.
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AAKP at the Florida Renal Administrators Association Meeting (posted July 26, 2017)
AAKP’s Diana Clynes with FRAA President, Amy Kozsuch MSN, MBA, HCM, BSN
The AAKP was honored to be invited to present and exhibit at the 2017 Florida Renal Administrators Association Meeting.
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