It is very important to get on the transplant list through a transplant center. In some cases, a potential recipient had a willing donor, but the center turned the recipient down because they had not gone through the testing to remain listed. Be aware of what’s required of you to also remain on that transplant wait list.
Representing millions of patients, people with disabilities and older adults, our organizations are writing to express our strong and urgent support for the Department’s Office for Civil Rights to issue additional guidance to ensure that schemes to ration scarce health care resources during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic comply with federal nondiscrimination laws.
April is National Donate Life month and marks my 33rd kidney anniversary! Retiring two years ago, after a 40-year career in nursing and health management, has been very restorative and, more recently, “sheltering in” has allowed ample time to reflect on my many blessings.
Grape seed extracts come from grapes – as do wine and vinegar – all touted to have distinct health benefits. A small study was done in Tunisia comparing grapeseed extract with a placebo. Although the study size was very small it did show a significant increase in plasma catalase and superoxide dismutase. It also showed a significant decrease in protein carbonylation.
AAKP Ambassador, Chardae “Prima” Sanders knows the devastating effects of having high potassium. While on dialysis, Prima says that she did not watch her diet. She admits, “I was a chip eater! I would over-eat on chips. I also ate bananas as a comfort food. I never thought about the impact.”