Questions & Answers About Anemia

David Scott
What is anemia and how is it managed in chronic kidney disease (CKD) before dialysis and after dialysis? Anemia is a disorder where the body does not have enough red blood cells. Red blood cells are necessary because they carry oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues and carry carbon dioxide back to the lungs, where it is exhaled.
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Dining Out Around the Holidays

David Scott
How to Stick to Your Diet and Still Enjoy the Party The average person gains approximately five to seven pounds between Thanksgiving and the New Year. Holiday season festivities often include large family meals, special parties and additional treats and drinks.
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Examining Your Past

David Scott
The Importance of Knowing Your Family Health History The information you gain when you look into your family’s past is vast and full of pertinent knowledge. You might learn the geographic location of your ancestors and what social or political positions they held.
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Why You Are Critical to Kidney Research

David Scott
Have you heard how important it is to participate in research? By taking part in clinical trials of new drugs or medical devices, you help bring fresh treatments and improvements to the quality of life for many. Even more importantly, you can provide the “patient voice” to clinical research!
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The Renal Diabetic Diet

David Scott
Your healthcare team may recommend that you follow a meal plan to help you manage your dietary needs. When you’re on dialysis, you may occasionally need to eat more or less of certain nutrients. When you have diabetes, you must balance food choices to keep blood sugar under control.
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