Of Presidents, Policies, and Patients

Jennifer Duplessie
Former U.S. Civil Service Director Kay C. James recognizing Office of Personnel Management Chief of Staff Paul T. Conway, Sr. Advisor Ed Flynn and Sr. Advisor for Homeland Security Edward V. Hickey III for their efforts to help secure Congressional authorization of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in 2002. July 10, 2020 Paul T.
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Book Review: The Pretend Friend Association – Parts One to Four by Hannah Reimers

Jennifer Duplessie
Self-Published ISBN: 9781520202839 Review by: James Myers, AAKP BOD and Ambassador MEDICAL INFORMATION FOUND ON: www.nephcure.org & www.kidney.org Disclaimer: This book was written by a patient, not a doctor. Please consult with a physician if you have questions about your health.This is a great book!
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Largest American Kidney Group Marks Juneteenth With Call For Diversity In Clinical Trials And End To Care Disparity

The American Association of Kidney Patients (AAKP), the largest kidney patient organization in America, and the independent voice for kidney patients, issued a Juneteenth statement from AAKP President Richard Knight.

David Scott
The American Association of Kidney Patients (AAKP), the largest kidney patient organization in America, and the independent voice for kidney patients, issued a Juneteenth statement from AAKP President Richard Knight.
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Thoughts on Juneteenth, From AAKP President Richard Knight

David Scott
Mr. Knight is a former hemodialysis patient who received a kidney transplant for a living donor 14 years ago. AAKP is the largest kidney patient organization in America with a proud 50 year history of matching patients to companies conducting clinical trials for new therapeutics, diagnostics and devices.
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Protecting Access to Pain Relief (PAPR) Coalition, Request for Comment entitled “Management of Acute and Chronic Pain”

On behalf of the undersigned members of the Protecting Access to Pain Relief (PAPR) Coalition, please find written comments in response to the Request for Comment entitled “Management of Acute and Chronic Pain” (Docket No. CDC-2020-0029) issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

David Scott
On behalf of the undersigned members of the Protecting Access to Pain Relief (PAPR) Coalition, please find written comments in response to the Request for Comment entitled “Management of Acute and Chronic Pain” (Docket No. CDC-2020-0029) issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
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Kent’s Kidney Stories with AAKP Ambassador Risa Simon

Melinda Starling
During this episode of Kent’s Kidney Stories, AAKP BOD member/ambassador Kent Bressler speaks with fellow ambassador Risa Simon on the tenth anniversary of her successful kidney transplant.On June 8, 2010, Risa received her transplant from a living donor, which was considered preemptive, and therefore allowed her to bypass dialysis.
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COVID-19 and My Recent Hospitalization

Melinda Starling
I was recently hospitalized in Munster Community Hospital in Munster, Indiana, from May 12 to May 17, 2020. The official diagnosis was Gastrointestinal Hemmorrhage. After a NM GI Bleeding Scan, an Endoscopy, and a Colonoscopy, it was determined that I had Ulcers and Diverticulitis.
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Kent’s Kidney Stories with AAKP BOD/Ambassador Kent Bressler

Melinda Starling
During this special anniversary episode of Kent’s Kidney Stories, Kent Bressler talks about his journey with kidney disease leading up to his transplant 33 years ago. It was on April 30, 1987, that Kent’s brother gave him the best gift he could ask for: a kidney.Working as a Registered Nurse (RN)
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