A Week at Camp Boggy Creek: AAKP Staff Member Valerie Gonzalez Shares Her Experience

Deb Pelaez
Valerie Gonzalez began her career with AAKP over 18 years ago in May 2005 as an administrative assistant and now leads the entire administrative team as AAKP’s Director of Office Operations. If you have ever been to an in-person AAKP event or visited the AAKP booth at a kidney conference, you may have met Valerie over the years.
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Living a Clean Life – AAKP Ambassador Gail Glasser Shares Her Kidney Story

Diana Clynes
Gail Glasser first discovered she had a problem with her kidneys in high school. At the age of 15, she had strep throat that went left untreated because she never told her parents. Even after her throat healed, she continued to feel unwell and eventually went to see her doctor. At first, the doctor did not find anything wrong with her.
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Saving Organs One Flight at a Time Act Stakeholder Sign On Letter

Jennifer Duplessie
October 30, 2023The Honorable Beth Van DuyneUnited States House of Representatives1725 Longworth House Office BuildingWashington, D.C. 20515Dear Representative Van Duyne,As stakeholders in the organ donation and transplantation community, we thank you for your leadership in introducing the Saving Organs One Flight at a Time Act (H.R.
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A Letter from a Family With5 Living Kidney Donors

Diana Clynes
By Suzanne Ruff, kidney donor, author of The Reluctant Donor and AAKP TreasurerKidney donor Suzanne Ruff, author of The Reluctant Donor and AAKP Treasurer, sent the following heartfelt letter to thousands of living organ donors, kidney patients, families, and medical professionals on May 19, 2023.Her family has 5 living organ donors.
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