The Facts of Peritoneal Dialysis

David Scott
What is Peritoneal Dialysis? Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is a dialysis option for patients with kidney failure. Similar in hemodialysis, in that it cleans the blood of impurities, it does not use an artificial kidney or dialyzer. PD occurs inside the body using the peritoneal membrane as a filter.
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What is the proper way to dispose PD fluid?

David Scott
Dear Doctor, My father has just started peritoneal dialysis (PD) and we are all still learning the procedures and how it all works. It is our understanding that the ‘waste’ from PD should be treated as urine, and disposed of in the toilet. What is the proper way to dispose PD fluid? Waste fluid that a peritoneal dialysis (PD)
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My Treatment and Why I Chose It

David Scott
Ivan Rivera is a 22-year-old living in Orlando, Fla., who had been an active and athletic person all of his life. But when he started losing energy and tiring easily, his doctor told him his kidneys were failing due to a rare immune disorder called IgA nephropathy. Ivan was devastated by the news.
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Up and Moving Again!

David Scott
When you first hear Vera Foreman’s voice, you can’t help but notice a sense of excitement and energy. She’s an on-the-go kind of lady. With two teenage children, a part time job and her volunteer work, it may surprise many that she has end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Vera has always sped through life by embracing the positive.
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Dialyzing on the High Seas

David Scott
Through countless interactions with individuals on dialysis, a prominent theme resides, the fear of traveling. There may be mobility issues hindering travel and/or fear of treatment at an unknown facility or simply not enough information available regarding the potential possibilities.
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