
Dialysis While You Sleep – An Alternative Therapy

David Scott
There are more than 26 million Americans who suffer from chronic kidney disease (CKD), 350,000 need dialysis. Of those, 93 percent received hemodialysis (HD) at the end of 2007, and the remaining 7 percent were treated with peritoneal dialysis (PD) at home. In addition, there were about 3,000 patients using home hemodialysis (HHD)
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How Can I Love My Body Again?

David Scott
pants anymore…” “I feel bloated a lot and hate feeling like I’m pregnant – especially because I’m a guy…” “How could my partner ever want to be intimate with me again when I have this plastic tube sticking out of me…”  These statements and other concerns are often expressed by individuals on peritoneal dialysis (PD)
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You Have Options

David Scott
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients have three options once they reach end stage renal disease (ESRD): dialysis, kidney transplantation or no treatment. If a patient doesn’t choose a treatment option, he will die. Most patients choose dialysis and try to get on a kidney transplant list.
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High Blood Pressure

David Scott
Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the walls of the arteries. When a person experiences high blood pressure (hypertension), the heart is forced to work harder than normal, causing it to grow bigger than usual, putting pressure on the arteries and the heart itself. This can also lead to kidney damage.
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Home Hemodialysis Training – What to Expect

David Scott
So you’ve decided to do your hemodialysis treatment at home. Congratulations! This is another step in taking charge of your health care. Home hemodialysis is not easy – nor is it difficult, with proper training and attention. Getting started on the program takes time, patience and a commitment from you and your care partner.
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