ARTICLE: Appropriate Use of Opioids in Patients with Kidney Diseases

CJASN ARTICLE, published April 2018, Click here. By David M. White (AAKP Board Member and Ambassador) In this issue of the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, Ishida et al. report on an investigation using data from the US Renal Data System to investigate the effects of opioids on patients on hemodialysis (1).
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Get Connected: The Benefits of Chronic Care Management Services

Beth Chalick-Kaplan, PhD is an Outreach Specialist for Region 3 at CMS Managing your health while living with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) can be overwhelming. Taking multiple medications, following a special diet, and keeping appointments with different specialists while caring for your family and/or working can be difficult.
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Patient Profile: Ray Harris 1-2-3 Strikes and Still Swinging at CKD

My story starts in early spring 1998 in Baltimore, Maryland to be exact, my hometown. My career was soaring as a recent graduate and police officer for the state of Maryland. My personal life was also fruitful as I was dating my lovely wife, Lauren. I knew I was winning at life and I could only see good getting better.
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