A Blessing to Others, AAKP Ambassador Precious McCowan Shares Her Story with Kidney Disease

Diana Clynes
By Deborah Pelaez, aakpRENALIFE Independent WriterImagine this. There exists a girl who possesses an appearance that deceives the eye, for she stands at a mere five feet one inch tall. Yet, do not be misled by her stature, for within her lies a smile of such magnitude that it illuminates an entire room!
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National High Potassium Awareness Day: Patient Story, Chardae “Prima” Sanders

AAKP Ambassador, Chardae “Prima” Sanders knows the devastating effects of having high potassium. While on dialysis, Prima says that she did not watch her diet. She admits, “I was a chip eater! I would over-eat on chips. I also ate bananas as a comfort food. I never thought about the impact.”

AAKP Ambassador, Chardae “Prima” Sanders knows the devastating effects of having high potassium. While on dialysis, Prima says that she did not watch her diet. She admits, “I was a chip eater! I would over-eat on chips. I also ate bananas as a comfort food. I never thought about the impact."
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